Past Exhibition

日本の新しい伝統です 木を織る 木を編む 和の風をつくるEXHIBITION
2018年7月10日(火)〜7月13日(金) 11:00AM〜6:00PM
協賛:株式会社ネギシ / アース和ーズ株式会社
A nouveau Japanese tradition woven with boisett.
For daily living, there are only a few things which have been made of wood, but there are numberless things that we wish would have been made of wood. boisett, the warm feel and aroma of wood naturally woven into a delicate cloth, is an epoch-making new material. It springs from a selfmade idea. We are eager to make things from wood, things that we thought would be impossible to meke from wood. One brings out boisette from pocket saying “This is made from wood”. In this way, this innovative, elegant idea shows how worthy it is to live with boisette.